Historic Osun Osogbo Sacred Grove Is Terrific!

osun oshogbo sacred grove

Updated: Aug 9, 2019 @ 9:27 AM

Historic osun osogbo sacred grove is a remarkable beauty

If anyone had told me that Nigeria has a UNESCO World Heritage Site, l would have scoffed. I had certainly never read nor heard about that. All we seem to hear about is Boko Haram and Internet Scammers. Our recent visit to Nigeria where we spent the most of December was an enlightening one.

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Not only did we get to visit with family, but we also traveled short distances from our bases in Ibadan and Lagos to visit some of the cultural landmarks including the Osun Osogbo Sacred Grove. The grove is located in the South West of Nigeria and is one of the last remaining ones in the country. Most groves have been abandoned thanks to population growth and in my opinion, more westernized religion and the dying off of old people.

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